Slide show

119th Wing Video Archives

The 119th Wing has a robust and active public affairs and multi-media department.

Videos created by 119th Wing personnel will give you an entertaining and educational understanding of what the Happy Hooligans do every day to serve the great state of North Dakota and the United States.

119th Wing 2008 WELCOME VIDEO

Video Archives

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 2010 Videos
 2010 Flood Fight
 2009 Award Winning Documentary
Guarded Waters - Part 1 
Guarded Waters - Part 2 
 Flood Links - 2009
 2008 Videos
 Hooligan Video Spotlight
 Minot Air Guard Videos
 Hooligan TV News
Jul. HTV - 2010 
Jun. HTV - 2010 
Apr. HTV - 2010 
Feb. HTV - 2010 
Nov. HTV - 2009 
Oct. HTV- 2009 
Aug. HTV-2009 
Jan. HTV - 2009 
Nov. HTV - 2008 
Sep. HTV - 2008 
Jul. HTV - 2008 
Jun. HTV - 2008 
May HTV - 2008 
Apr. HTV - 2008 
 Past Videos
 Chaplain Wisdom - 2008


Please contact the 119th Wing Public Affairs Office to request a written transcript of any of the videos posted on this website. E-mail.