Colonel Christopher M. Domitrovich is the Commander of the 119th Wing North Dakota Air National Guard, Fargo, N.D. In this capacity, he commands nearly 1200 Air National Guard Airmen who train to, and execute, world-class MQ-9 persistent attack and reconnaissance, kinetic and non-kinetic intelligence target production and expeditionary combat support for our nation and state. Col Domitrovich maintains qualification as a MQ-9 pilot and provides incident awareness and assessment as directed by the Governor, along with persistent attack and reconnaissance for combatant commanders.

Col Domitrovich is a graduate of the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N.D., and was commissioned in November 2003 through the Academy of Military Science at McGhee Tyson ANGB, TN. Col Domitrovich has experience in a variety of operational assignments, contingency operations and headquarters staff assignments. He has flown combat sorties in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM and IRAQI FREEDOM. He is a 2015 graduate of the National Intelligence University, Washington, D.C., and a 2020 graduate of the U.S. Naval War College, Newport, R.I. Prior to his current assignment, Col Domitrovich served as the Deputy Commander, 119th Wing, Fargo, N.D. He is a native of Fargo, N.D.

2001  Bachelor of Science degree in Commercial Aviation, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N.D.
2009  Squadron Officer School, Maxwell AFB, Ala., by correspondence
2015  Master of Science of Strategic Intelligence, National Intelligence University, Washington, D.C.
2017  Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB, Ala., by correspondence
2018  Accelerated Aircraft Maintenance Officer Course, Sheppard AFB, Texas
2020  Master of Arts in National Security & Strategic Studies, U.S. Naval War College, Newport, R.I.
2021  Safety & Accident Investigation Board President Course, Air National Guard Readiness Center, Joint Base Andrews, Md.
2022  Commander Leadership Course, Air National Guard Readiness Center, Joint Base Andrews, Md.

1.   March 2004 – April 2005, Student, Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training, Sheppard AFB, Texas
2.   April 2005 – July 2005, Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals, Sheppard AFB, Texas
3.   July 2005 – February 2006, F-16 Basic Operational Training Course, Luke AFB, Ariz.
4.   February 2006 – December 2006, F-16 Mission Pilot, Fargo, N.D.
5.   December 2006 – January 2010, C-21A Instructor Pilot, Chief of Squadron Scheduling, Fargo, N.D.
6.   January 2010 – August 2011, C-21A Instructor Pilot, Chief of Squadron Training, Fargo, N.D.
7.   August 2011 – July 2013, C-21A Instructor Pilot, Operations Group Commander Executive Officer, Fargo, N.D.
8.   November 2013 – July 2014, MQ-1B Mission Pilot, Assistant Flight Commander, Fargo, N.D.
9.   July 2014 – July 2015, Student, In-Residence Intermediate Developmental Education, National Intelligence University, Washington, D.C.
10. July 2015 – December 2015, Action Officer, Director, Air National Guard Action Group, Pentagon, Arlington, Va.
11. December 2015 – June 2016, Executive Officer to the Acting Director, Air National Guard, Pentagon, Arlington, Va.
12. June 2016 – July 2017, NGB A5/8/9 C2ISR Programmer, Air National Guard Readiness Center, Joint Base Andrews, M.D.
13. July 2017 – December 2018, Maintenance Officer/MQ-9 Mission Pilot, Fargo, N.D.
14. January 2018 – July 2019, 119th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Commander/MQ-9 Mission Pilot, Fargo, N.D.
15. July 2019 – July 2020, Student, In-Residence Senior Developmental Education, U.S. Naval War College, Newport, R.I.
16. July 2020 – March 2021, Deputy Commander, 119th Operations Group/MQ-9 Mission Pilot, Fargo, N.D.
17. March 2021 – January 2024, Deputy Commander/MQ-9 Mission Pilot, 119th Wing, Fargo, N.D.
18. January 2024 – Present, Commander, 119th Wing, Fargo, N.D.

Rating: Command Pilot
Flight Hours: More than 2,900
Aircraft Flown: T-37, T-38, F-16 A/B/C/D, C-21A, MQ-1B, and MQ-9A

Legion of Merit
Meritorious Service Medal with oak leaf cluster
Air Force Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster
Aerial Achievement Medal
Air and Space Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster
Army Commendation Medal
Air and Space Achievement Medal with oak leaf cluster                                                                                                                                                                                Army Achievement Medal
Second Lieutenant Nov. 21, 2003
First Lieutenant Nov. 21, 2005
Captain Nov. 21, 2007
Major Aug. 22, 2012
Lieutenant Colonel May 24, 2017
Colonel June 24, 2021

(Current as of January 2025)